M. Wright is an award-winning American poet.

Book Design: a boy named jane

The design for this book cover was inspired by the DIY-feel and overly sentimental quality of the cover design for the 2009 reissue of Nathanael West’s Miss Lonelyhearts & The Day of the Locust. This collection of poetry centers heavily on a relationship with a cow. The cow illustration featured on the cover of the book, designed by Matt, is a harbinger of what you’ll find inside of this poetry collection. The design of the cow is meant to feel hand-drawn and evocative of zine-art. The layout for the book includes a simple serif text design juxtaposed by the interpretive surrealist art created by Leah Fargo.

Praise for a boy named jane

“It isn’t rare for me to use words as fodder for generating imagery—but I’d never read words which hit me quite like those in ‘a boy named jane.’ The simplicity of language is deceptive, as the more time you spend with each phrase, the deeper you can tread down a rabbit hole of existential musings (in the disguise of poetry about cows). Wright’s novel use of language inspired experimental uses of paint which attempt to interpret the heart of each poem as I perceived it. To spend time churning these words into paintings was a growth experiment in my own artistic process and a reflection of the exceptional thematic content of ‘a boy named jane.’
— Leah Fargo, artist

”I am glad that M. Wright has written a chapbook that focuses heavily on cows and organic material. I used to live beside a cow pasture. Whenever I would pass beside it and see cows walking around, eating, etc., I would always think to myself that the cows seemed mysterious and beautiful. The investigations of life, death, process, and organism containted in Wright’s chapbook are earnest and emotional. This is my favorite passage from ‘a boy named jane’: ‘in my dream / you were a cow / and you were me.’”
— Luis Neer, author of Extinction

Social Campaign

With the lead up and eventual launch of a boy named jane, Matt designed social posts inspired by selected poems in the same DIY sketch style used for the cover of the book.

Background Information

Between the years 2015-2019, Matt published poetry under the pen name M. Wright. During that time he published two books: a boy named jane (Bottlecap Press, 2017) and Dear Dementia (Ghost City Press, 2017) which was featured in the 25th annual Poets House Showcase. He served as a Community Editor at SPA and was the 2016 winner of The Atlantis Award in poetry. He was a 2017 finalist for Best of the Net and was nominated for Pushcart Prize and Best New Poets Anthology. The section below includes highlights of Matt’s work during that time.

“The decline of an eccentric and inspirational grandmother into dementia not only warrants the occasion to honor her indelible influence on the poet’s psyche, but also launches a heartbreaking meditation on mortality, consciousness, and perception—leavened by compassionate attention to the thingness of our daily lives.”
—James Cihlar, author of The Shadowgraph

Journal Publications


Saint Paul Almanac Impressions Project, 2017

The Saint Paul Almanac selected 24 local artists whose work will accompany the 24 poems that will grace posters and broadsides traveling metro trains and buses as part of this year’s IMPRESSIONS Project.

Primordial Drink, 2018

Minnesota based composer, Scott Senko, composed this piece for the 2018 Source Song Festival. It was performed by Jacob Christopher and Mark Bilyeu. The text was written by M. Wright.

Saint Paul Almanac, 2019

The Saint Paul Almanac selected 24 local artists whose work will accompany the 24 poems that will grace posters and broadsides traveling metro trains and buses as part of this year’s IMPRESSIONS Project.


Black Cat Club